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Horse Chestnut Tree…Some Progress

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Wednesday 12 March 2014

Horse Chestnut Tree…Some Progress

The Height of a Tree

On Saturday I co-opted Chris to help me try to calculate the height of the Church Field Horse Chestnut Tree.

There are various ways, I had not realised so many. A handy guide from WikiHow gives some instructions. “Measure a Tree

I opted for a very simple one of asking a friend to stand by the tree.


So here is Chris standing next to the tree. With a bit of rough calculation we think the tree is about 58 ft high. It is also interesting to see a 6 ft figure by the tree. The human figure really gives an idea of the scale of these magnificent trees.

Two More Sticky Bud Development

I’m trying to catch the bud development of the Horse Chestnut twig.

I have two buds beginning to split, which I drew today. As the sticky scales develop, and open up,  the first four leaves begin to show at the very tip. They are furry, covered in white fine downy hair and tightly curled up.

It’s a fascinating contrast of smooth, sticky, shiny scales with the downy hairs of the emerging leaves .




Watercolour and pencil sketch: 8 x 5 inches


Watercolour and pencil sketch: 9 x4 inches

I am keeping all the Tree Following posts together on another blog:  It’s going to be nice to see the continuity through the year. Also it’s easier for the other tree followers to find. If you are taking part, this is the week to sign in with Lucy. There is an update box once a month on the 7th which will stay open for a week.
There are lots of people, not just from the UK, taking part. It will be fascinating.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful work!

12 March 2014 at 14:24  
Blogger Diana Studer said...

those look so much like protea buds, with the furry petals emerging.

14 March 2014 at 21:05  
Anonymous DJ said...

Good information about measuring a large tree. I think horse chesnut trees are beautiful, but do not care for the smell of their flowers. There was one growing across the street from where I used to live and I avoided working outside until the main bloom period was past! Your drawings of the buds are lovely though.

14 March 2014 at 23:28  
Blogger sharp green pencil said...

Thanks very much all for your kind comments. I know it is going to be a challenge keeping up with them.

I have never seen a protea,except in photos. They look very beautiful.Even Leu Gardens who seemed to have almost everything else didn't have one.

I must admit I have never noticed the scent of the exquisite horse chestnut flowers.Perhaps taking a closer look at their beauty might redress the balance a bit.
Bees like them which is good enough for me.

15 March 2014 at 07:12  

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